Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Weekends are better!

So, I have left my project, only to land squarely on the bench. And my timing is fantastic, so I managed to land there on precisely the same day that at least sixty other people did (a large project was cancelled).

Now I have the privilege of doing proposal-type work, in that I have to sort through people's resumes and score them against a matrix of qualifications, but without the time pressure that comes with an actual proposal, and certainly without the possibility of success, where success is defined as my personal efforts making any difference to winning new business for my company.

As you can imagine, I'm thrilled. And there is no end in sight; this could go on for weeks.

On the upside, I have a shiny new laptop, a cubicle with a window and a view down Kent street to partliament hill, the river and a fountain on the Quebec side. The weather has been gorgeous, and the lunchtime walks have been glorious.

But you will not be surprised to hear that I am enjoying my weekends _much_ better.


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