Monday, October 31, 2005

the Great Pumpkin Mystery

Yesterday I carved a pumpkin while visiting with some friends and watching football. Interestingly, it was only the women at this get-together that were involved in the disemboweling and refiguring of pumpkin bodies. I would have thought that playing with knives and causing carnage and destruction would have been a natural fit for the men I hang out with.

Go figure.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Single Vision

Oh, the insanity!

I remember now why I never liked being single. I turn from a strong, independent woman into someone who dislikes going home because the prospect seems so terrifyingly lonely and empty.

So now I tell myself: Grow up! You have lots of things to do at home, from the practical to the frivolous. Sewing new skirts, mending lost buttons and broken hooks, cooking, cleaning, laundry, watching DVD episodes of the Gilmore Girls and if that’s not enough, I have two charming, possessive pussy cats who would spend hours following me around the house and mugging for attention.

And if that doesn’t work, I always have a delaying tactic close at hand. Welcome to Goodlife Fitness, time filler extraordinaire...

Hello World!

I have been contemplating writing a blog for quite a while now, but the learning curve and investment in figuring out which blog engine is right for me has consistently kept me from acting.

However, technological impediments will no longer be permitted to get in my way.

After all, yesterday I joined the ranks of the cell-phone enabled, having bought a girlishly pink Samsung phone from Bell Mobility. I never thought this day would come, since I have fairly strong convictions about when I should and should not be reachable to all and sundry, but the merry fates reached their hands down and turned my course (this story may be told at a later time; suffice it to say that my fate was influenced by an irresponsible younger brother who ran up a breathtaking bill at Bell Mobility, and by Bell’s eventual willingness to waive a large portion of that awe-inspiring sum).

In this spirit of technological empowerment: blogging, here I come!